To provide expertise and services information and dioluge with public and media to commision

The unit will perfom the following activities

Produce and disseminate documents such as brochures, articles, newsletter etc. to inform the public on policies program activities and reforms undertaken by the commission

Coordinate the press briefings conference to commission

Engage in dialogue with public as well as media issue on concerning commission

Promote commission activities program and policies

Coordinate preparation of sector and commission papers for workshop and conferences

Coordinate preparation production of commission article and news paper

Update Sector and Commission information in the website

Advice Division, unit and cooperative stakeholder on the production of various documents

Develop and facilitate awareness program in media

Manage and supervise production of press release advertisement and publication to the media and stakeholder

Ensure proper preparation and production of commission publication in printing and electronic media and website

Take part in preparing the commission statement for clarifying issue of interest of stakeholders

Coordinate preparation of feature articles and documentaries for publication in the media

Develop and implement of the commission’s communication strategies programs and budgets

This unit will lead by principle officer with wide knowledge and experience on cooperative.